; This file will calculate the emissivity of the ocean surface ; in both V and H polarizations at a view angle of 53.1 degrees. ; ; It contains four subroutines: ; eps_sea_wentz : calculates dielectric constant of ocean surface ; fresnel : calculates specular emissivity of ocean surface. ; wind_roughen : computes wind-roughened emissivity of ocean surface. ; emiss : calculates full emissivity of ocean surface in V & H, ; taking into account both whitecaps (foam) and wind ; roughening. ; NOTE: You only need to call "emiss"! It in turn will call the other ; functions as needed. ; ; Calling syntax: ; ; emiss, freq, Tsurf, wind, ev, eh ; ; freq : frequency in GHz ; Tsurf: Surface Temperature in K ; wind : Surface wind speed in m/s ; ev, eh: Ocean surface emissivity for V,H polarization function eps_sea_wentz, f, T ; This function returns the complex dielectric constant of sea water, ; using the model of Wentz (1996; AMSR Ocean Algorithm ATBD, RSS Tech. ; Report 120296) ; Inputs ; real, intent (in) :: f ; [GHz] Frequency (valid from 0 to 1000 GHz) ; real, intent (in) :: T ; [°C] Temperature ; Output ; complex :: eps ; Dielectric constant clight = 2.998e10 ; [cm/s] pi = 3.14159265 salinity = 32.54 ; Eq. (36) -- static dielectric constant of distilled water eps_s0 = 87.90 * exp( - 0.004585 * T) ; Eq. (38) -- relaxation wavelength of distilled water lambda_r0 = 3.30 * exp( - 0.0346 * T + 0.00017 * T^2) ; Eq. (41) C = 0.5536 * salinity ; Eq. (42) delta = 25.0 - T ; Eq. (40) zeta = 2.03e-2 + 1.27e-4*delta + 2.46e-6*delta^2 $ - C * (3.34e-5 - 4.60e-7*delta + 4.60e-8*delta^2) ; Eq. (39) sigma = 3.39e9 * (C^0.892) * exp( - delta * zeta) ; Eq. (43) eps_s = eps_s0 * exp(- 3.45e-3*salinity + 4.69e-6*salinity^2 + 1.36e-5*salinity*T) ; Eq. (44) lambda_r = lambda_r0 - 6.54e-3*(1.0 - 3.06e-2*T + 2.0e-4*T^2)*salinity ; radiation wavelength (cm) lambda = clight / (f * 1.0e9) ; from p. 20 eta = 0.012 eps_inf = 4.44 ; Eq. (35) term1 = complex(0.0, - lambda_r/lambda) term1 = term1 ^ (1.0 - eta) term2 = complex(0.0, - 2.0 * sigma * lambda / clight) eps = eps_inf + (eps_s - eps_inf)/(1.0 + term1) - term2 return , eps end PRO fresnel, XPERM, ANGLE, ev, eh ; Calculates the vertical (RV) and Horizontal (RH) reflection ; coefficients from a dielectric surface given the ; complex electrical permittivity of the dielectric. ; This uses the standard Fresnel relations at a dielectric interface. ; ; INPUTS: ; XPERM : (Complex) electrical permittivity ; ANGLE : Viewing angle from Nadir (degrees) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; RV : Reflectivity for vertical (V) polarization ; RH : Reflectivity for horizontal (H) polarization ; ; NOTE: Emissivity = 1 - Reflectivity PS2 = sin(angle*!pi/180.)^2 PCC = cos(angle*!pi/180.) PERM1 = SQRT(XPERM - PS2) PERM2 = XPERM*PCC RHTH = ( PCC - PERM1)/( PCC + PERM1) RVTH = (PERM2 - PERM1)/(PERM2 + PERM1) RH =(real_part(RHTH))^2+(imaginary(RHTH))^2 RV =(real_part(RVTH))^2+(imaginary(RVTH))^2 ev = 1. - rv eh = 1. - rh END PRO wind_roughen, wind, freq, ev, eh ; This routines calculates the wind-roughened ocean ; surface emissivity at a view angle of 53.1 degrees, ; given the specular ocean surface emissivity, ; surface wind speed in m/s, and the frequency of observation in GHz. ; ; It is based on the FASTEM-2 algorithm of Deblonde and English ; (UK Met Office, 2000). C = [ -9.4674e-03, -1.5567e-03, 3.6254e-06, -4.6501e-02, -1.8435e-03, 6.3099e-06, 2.9533e-04, 4.4369e-06, -1.4016e-08, $ 5.3421e-02, 3.8867e-04, -3.5054e-06, 9.3315e-02, 1.3192e-03, -5.3577e-06, 2.3784e-05, 8.6950e-07, 2.8249e-09 ] C = reform(C, 3, 3, 2, /over) xcorr = fltarr(2) z =fltarr(3) for jp = 0, 1 do begin ; 2 polarizations z[*] = c[0,*,jp] + c[1,*,jp]*freq + c[2,*,jp]*freq^2 xcorr[jp] = z[0] + z[1] * wind + z[2] * wind^2 endfor xcorr = xcorr/100. ev = ev + xcorr[0] eh = eh + xcorr[1] END PRO emiss, freq, Tsurf, Wind, ev, eh ; Calculates the ocean surface emissivity in V and H polarizations ; at a view angle of 53.1 degrees. It takes into account both ; wind roughening of the ocean surface, and foam coverage as parameterized ; by Monahan and Muircheartaigh, J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol 10, pp 2094-2099, 1980. ; A microwave foam emissivity of 1.0 is assumed. ; 1 - Get the dielectric constant at these frequencies ; and this surface temperature. eps = eps_sea_wentz(freq, Tsurf-273.15) ; 2 - Get the specular emissivity in V and H. fresnel, eps, 53.1, ev, eh ; 3 - Compute the wind-roughened emissivities. wind_roughen, wind, freq, ev, eh ; 4 - Compute the foam fraction and adjust emissivities accordingly. frac = (2.95d-6 * wind^3.52) < 0.6 ev = ev*(1.-frac) + frac eh = eh*(1.-frac) + frac END